Saturday, March 28, 2009

The end of an hour...the Beginning of the Future

The much anticipated 60 minutes had just flew past us. Yet, it did not just ticked away like any other ordinary hour. Instead, the hour was hailed by millions of people around the world!
As one of the many caring planet Earth citizen, I have done my part to vote against global warming. Have you? Don't worry, this election is no ordinary elections and it's ongoing. It's not an election to expect anything in return but is one in which to save our planet as well as our live from jeopardising effect of global warming.

Indeed, global warming is inevitably unavoidable as each and everyone of us is contributing to it although we did not intend to. Our carbon dioxide footprints are everywhere. No doubt, carbon dioxide have to be generated to enable us to live but it's now far beyond the sustainable level. Like the saying goes, " Too much of an essential will harm us". If we don't do anything ourselves-in this context, not to reduce the emission but actually maintain the deteriorating rate-we may only be left not much days of survival. I'm not exaggerating but you will agree if you watch "six degrees can change the world" in Nat Geo.

I'm also not saying that everyone of us including myself are culprits and ignorants towards global warming issue- an issue that is not recent. As we live together under the same sky and above the same crust, we are like a big family living under the same roof. When there are some of us inducing harm to our home, are we goin to be quiet about it and let our home rot? Certainly not.

This is exactly what Earth Hour intends to make us understand and realise. We are no barbarian to use force in asking those culprits to stop destructing our Mother Earth hence we chose light switches. Something not peculiar to us but we have all this while took it for granted. Not only on 28th March 2009 at 8.30pm it transformed into "ballot paper" for us, it also still act as a daily healing wand to our devastated planet. A simple act by switching off unused lights, an act that undoubtedly able to be done even by a 3 years old child or an 80 years old wheel-chair ridden grandmother, can make a hell lot of difference. This is even more significant when everyone does it together just like during the past hour.

Earth Hour is just the first step that all of us took to walk the path towards a perfect world which still has a long long journey to go but certainly it's a promising path that we'll certainly be able to reach the ultimate dream end. We may not see the impact yet but believe it or not, you did sth great on the Earth Hour day. Let's continue to walk this path together.

1 comment:

Daniel Chong said...

Hey ming lee...

My friend wrote an essay on why earth hour doesnt work. Haha. Have fun reading it...

Daniel - muacks-